Friday, October 5, 2018


At times life can feel like a constant struggle to make sense of chaos. The world is inhabited by biological organisms both diverse and awe inspiring. However I sometimes feel as if there are unseen entities, spirits if you will, forces of nature serving only randomness. Of course that’s just my conscious and rational mind providing a thoroughly irrational explanation for something I can’t explain. A mortal trying to put uneven blocks into a tidy pile.

The past week while being thoroughly planned out, still managed to keep me on my toes with the unbridled randomness that only our universe can provide. First and foremost the planned part of my life has gone smoother than I anticipated.

The stream on Wednesday of Spider-Man actually managed to draw a small crowd which is probably more than I deserve. When it comes to streaming I’m at the crossroads of anxious to the point of ineptitude (see a now private walking dead stream where I sat in silence as my microphone was muted) and untalented. Sure I can turn on what little charm I have for stretches but streaming it seems to me requires a marathon approach, don’t tell all your funny stories right away and keep your energy up but not so high you burn out.

The second planned event involved a hunt of the paranormal variety, featuring night vision cameras, electronic voice recordings and of course a crystal through which a psychic friend translated the spirit’s communications. Normal Saturday night stuff. The trailer for this outing is now live on YouTube and it would mean a lot to me if you watched.

As for the unplanned my weekend was equally exciting. My brother turned 21 which of course required a bar hopping adventure culminating in an unplanned stop at a hookah bar hosting queer dance night to meet up with a friend I care for quite a bit but suck at keeping in touch with. Then a sudden surge in YouTube subscribers brought about by Kayne West doing his best Uncle Ruckus impression on SNL (or online after the show was over but regardless) highlighted a borderline surreal couple of days.

If you know anything about me it’s that I constantly hawk my YouTube channel, Wicked Good Everything a collaborative project that is artistically fulfilling but also can feel like slamming your head against the wall. We covered a story on The Boondocks sometime ago and it did well. With Kayne bringing the show back into the zeitgeist it more than doubled it’s views. The rub of course is can we keep these new fans entertained and engaged? Head meet wall once more.

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