Monday, February 9, 2015

The Walking Dead is Racist? Season 5 Episode 9 Review

The Walking Dead season 5 episode 9 “What happened and What’s Going On” Review

                So another week of The Walking Dead, and another character we must say goodbye to. Coming off the heels of the dramatic midseason finale in which we saw Beth die under extremely dumb circumstances, we see Tyreese die in similar fashion. While Tyreese didn't attempt to stab someone in a bulletproof vest, he did forget that he was living in a zombie apocalypse and had an extremely quiet zombie sneak up on him. I wouldn’t say that this episode was bad, in fact I thought it was one of the better episodes of the series, simply because of how different it was. Much like last season the second half seems to be allowing the writers to experiment with different ways of telling the story.
                I enjoyed seeing the return of so many former cast members, and I did think it was interesting getting a look into the mind of a character who was dying from blood loss as well as the zombie virus. Apart from flashes into Shane’s mind after he was stabbed we haven’t seen what the process of turning is like. Granted the visions of the characters may have been specific to Tyreese. Overall I enjoyed the episode and I was very sad to see one of my favorite characters from the comics go. Now its official the character Tyreese is gone for good from the Walking Dead universe. I think this will offer us interesting potential story lines with Sasha who will have to cope with the loss of her brother just after she lost Bob.
                Speaking of which has anyone else noticed that the Walking Dead kills off their black men at an absurd pace? Of the six or so African American men that have spent time with the group, all but two of them have been killed off. Also of note they very rarely have two African American men on the show at the same time for very long. Seriously look at this.

T Dog- Season 1-3 killed off, and replaced by Oscar.
Oscar Season 3 killed off rather quickly after Tyreese is introduced.

Bob Season 4-5 killed off fairly soon after Father Gabriel is introduced.

Tyreese Season 3-5 also killed off fairly soon after Gabriel, and Noah are introduced

Father Gabriel/Noah Season 5, watch your back. 


                You might say that a lot of people die on the Walking dead, but when you consider that 4/6 African American men have been killed off quickly you kind of get the feeling that the Walking Dead may be a bit racist.