Friday, October 31, 2014

10 Bizarre "SEXY" Halloween costumes

I'm not going to lie to you, I didn't do a ton of work for this article. In fact I really only went to and searched the women's costumes. However that produced these gems that I want to share with you reader. So here we go, 10 ""sexy" Halloween costumes. 

10. WTF is this shit?
The description of this costume is "Crime Scene Pop Star" instead of the more accurate "I don't care man, I'm tired... what? We have to make another costume, fuck it! That's it, I don't care, I want to go home!"  

9. Candy corn
Oh look it's girl everyone pretends to like dressed up as that candy everyone pretends to like... so meta. 

8. Cupcake
This seems less sexy and more just like a pain to wear. 

7. Diet Coke
Sorry, I'm only interested in that real coke taste. (I swear I can write jokes guys) 

6. Knome
Hmm... Kno. 

5. Popcorn
This is the sexiest costume on the list, there's no debate. 

4. Queen of Hearts
It's like that song that I can't think of the title to right now. 

3. Native American
Sexy or racist? Yes. 

2. Twister
I just... I don't understand Halloween anymore. 

1. Unicorn
If you wear this and see a guy in a fedora, you run, you just run. 

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Robert Ford A Legend of Our Time

To start this blog post off I want to share a quote that someone put on tumblr.

Whoops that wasn't it, hold on...

Okay here it is...

I like to think that this sums up Robert Ford's political experience. In 2010 Ford was elected mayor of Toronto, and on May 16th 2013 he found his way into the hearts and minds of American. The website Gawker stated that they had been offered a video of Ford smoking crack.

That could be anything. 

Later in 2013 he admitted to public drunkenness, drinking and driving, and illegal drug use, and took a leave of absence. Most people who have ridden off into the blurry sunset, but not Ford.

Does this look like a man who gives up... on anything other than diets? 

That's right! Ford was able to get a seat on the Toronto City Council with 58.9% of the vote. So maybe Ford never intended to be on the City Council again, but he tried, and according to that post I saw on tumblr "trying alone will lead you to better places you never intended to be at"

What a world we live in, thank you Toronto.

-Brian Meagher

Monday, October 27, 2014

Brian Makes an Ass of Himself or Every Video I've Ever Been In Part 2

The How to Moon Walk era 2010-2011
How To Moon Walk Promo 2
The best promo ever.

Holiday Break Promo
The second best promo ever, and it never happened.

Kids With Guns
I love this video, completely unscripted and a ton of fun to make.

Harry The Hanukkah Man
I don't even know, Mikey is awesome in this video though.

Ipod App
I'm not in this video, but it was so much fun to direct and edit.

Double Dealer
This was actually an assignment, just Tamur and I broing out.

Back to The Last of the Good Ones 2012-Present

Press Conference
This was actually the first video back on The Last of the Good Ones in 2 years.

4 years!
Four year Anniversary.

Resolutions are meant to be broken, including the resolution to make video more consistently.

Murder Puns
I'm proud of this one, a little bit of low hanging fruit but oh well.

The Fake Brian Meagher on youtube (2012-Present)

Flappy Bird
Spoken Word Poetry, cheap effects, a green screen this video has everything.

Brian Makes an Ass of himself or All The Videos I've Ever Been In Part 1

The Early Days 2008-2010
Pandora's Box
The first video I was featured in for The Last of the Good Ones

I Got You Nose
I'm only in the end, but it's reassuring to know that I've always been fat,

The Birth of a Great Idea
We're in a bathroom, what more could you want?

Stop n' Go
I hit Chris... this is comedy guys.

Worst Ways to Get Dumped
This has a weird number of views

Business Meeting
Our best video probably, we peaked at like 17.

Wilkommen to America
This may be a bit Xenophobic.

The 5 Types of Funny People (Originally published on Mar. 13, 2012)

As a stand up comedian, and writer I find it crucial to observe the human condition. What I mean by this is I sit back and watch people make asses of themselves… it’s awesome. As many comedians, I tend to compare my comedic prowess to others. Thus this article. 
5. The Court Jester 
This person is usually a guy… and a teenager. He probably watches a lot of family guy, and certainly tries to live his life like the show. He’s loud and obnoxious, because he doesn’t know how to get someone’s attention other than yelling. He acts out, and is the bain of any teacher’s existence. In small increments this person can be tolerable. Anything other than that and there is a very good chance you want to hit him harder than Peter Griffin has hit that chicken guy. (That's a thing right? I don't really watch Family Guy… I’m not sure if it’s someone in a suit or actually a giant chicken) Honestly either way it wouldn't surprise me, and the court jester would eat that shit up. 
You know who this guy is, if not you are him
4. The Cool Funny Person
This particular person probably won class clown in high school. Though they are usually far from the funniest person you’ve met. It’s a funny thing that when you hang out with a group that’s comedy is let’s say… sub par the person who is the funniest is probably not all that funny. 
Hey guys what do an ocean and a pussy have in common? 
They are both wet when I’m in them! 
An Ocean is always wet though.
Don’t be a bitch bro. 
(Comedic gold) 
3. The Kind of Funny Person who’s viewed as really funny
It’s not to say that they… aren’t funny but they aren’t hilarious. However to people who don’t have the best sense of humor they are god. I can give you two examples of people like this. First off there is Jenna Marbles, yes this isn’t going to be popular, but it needs to be said. While I do like Jenna Marbles’ videos if she was just an average looking girl I don’t think she would be as popular as she is. Not only that, but let’s be honest there just aren’t too many funny women in the comedy game, so when one comes around who is kind of funny, people eat that shit up. The second is Dane Cook. Is he funny? Sure. I guess. Is he popular? He was for some reason. 
No guys… she’s totally into me. 
2.   The actual funny person 
Everyone knows an extremely funny person. The thing is… you might not know it. For someone who is naturally funny, it’s not about letting people know you’re funny so much as it is about just be themselves. They don’t tend to rub your nose in it, yet there timing and sense is the that legends are made of. 
1. The D-Bag
This guy is pretentious. He’s in your face. He’s probably writing a blog about what types of people are funny. Don’t get to know him. He’s not your friend. 
This is Brian… he is not your friend
Thanks for reading, and subscribe to my youtube channel… if you would please. 

Is SNL Overrated? (Originally published on Feb. 21, 2012)

Is Snl Overrated? 
So this article will be hotly debated, and by that I mean if anyone read this blog they would definitely form their own opinion about the topic and defend it with much gusto. Okay with that out of the way let’s start the article.
What SNL is
So as a wannabe comedian I find that my peers almost always want to end up on the television show, “Saturday Night Live” I mean it’s widely accepted that this show that’s been on since 1975 (holy shit… I didn't know that) is the holy grail at the end of comedian’s quest. To end up on this show means that you’ve been recognized by the comedy community as a successful and talented joker. I mean everyone wants to be on this show!… but I ask why?
Yes, why? Why is this the unit by which so many budding comedians base their worth? I mean let’s be honest SNL isn’t the best show as far as comedy goes; I’d say it isn’t even in the top ten.
Watch this show (It’s in the top ten) 
My reasoning
The content is eh, at best these days. I’m not saying that the writers are bad, that isn’t the case at all. The problem is… they’re on NBC. They want to get the best music to appear on their show, so they can’t really insult musicians. Or even actors and actresses as they want them to host. Most importantly though is the fact that they are on at 11, doesn’t make it so they aren’t restricted by their network to make the best content for their fans. I was shocked that “Jizz In My Pants”, or “I Just Had Sex” were even able to air. This brings me to my next point.
The Internet
Think about this for a second, what where the best SNL sketches you’ve seen in the last few years? I’m guessing most of you thought of  “Dick In a Box”, “Golden Rule”, “On a Boat”, “Like a Boss”, “Jizz In My Pants”, or “I Just Had Sex”. I agree that these sketches are awesome… however the three people behind these sketches are, “The Lonely Island” a youtube sketch comedy group which SNL picked to become writers or cast members. Yes even SNL knew that they where possibly loosing some comedic ground to up and coming Internet troupes like “The Lonely Island”. They even hired College Humor alum Sarah Snider to write for them. They accept that the Internet is better than they are, but are still stuck with the restrictions I listed above.
Story of my life 
Other Shows
Perhaps I am being too hard on SNL. If it weren’t for other shows like say “The Whitest Kids U’ Know” (How did this show get canceled?) pushing the boundaries of what you can and can’t do on television, and internet comedians pushing all the boundaries, maybe SNL wouldn’t seem so blah.
Watch this show also
Okay so this has been a long one and I thank you for still reading, if you are. If you aren’t I don’t blame you. In conclusion do I think SNL is over rated? SNL was once a great show, however I don’t think it is anymore, it saddens me to say it, but I believe that the best is behind. They may cling on for a while but eventually people are probably going to start watching something else.

The Five Types of People Who are Bumming Me Out (Posted originally on Jan. 24th 2012)

5 Types of People who are bumming me out
Number 5
Producers of bad television shows.
Why are shows like these on the air? How do they manage to stay on this long? Am I missing something here, seriously, this isn’t funny! To start things off I watch way too much tv, as I stated in my last article. So perhaps I’m one of the only people who would run into this type of problem. Seriously though it doesn’t take a comedic genius to realize that something isn’t funny yet week after week viewers are graced with the presence of such “Hit” television shows as “2 Broke Girls” and “Two and a Half Men” There’s also been a terrible trend in reality television shows lately known as “Let’s watch sluty sluts doing sluty things in a sluty way… sluts. Such shows include “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” “The Real Housewives… of who gives a fuck” and worst of all “Jersey Shore”
Number 4
People who think they star in a movie called Life
I have some news for people, life isn’t a movie, there are no happy endings (Oh happy endings, I don’t like that show either) and the narrative certainly doesn’t revolve around you. I run into these people all the time at work. They think that since they are in a hurry or because they drive a nice car, the whole world stops for them. Well that’s not the case, I have seven other customers who are just as self-entitled as you are so it might be a minute before I put down that fried chicken and get you an icey cup. The only solace I can take is that our food and drinks are probably going to contribute to their type 2 diabetes. To these people all I can say is, look life is tough… for everyone, we’re just trying to make it through the day so if someone does something that gets you a little upset, take a deep breath and count the beads of sand in your vagina you twat.
Number 3
People who find it necessary to tell me in intimate detail about their sex life
Hey I’m just as surprised as you are that some how you managed to get a girl to touch your boner, but please please please for the love of all that is good and righteous do not let me leave our conversation with a clear picture of exactly what your slam piece’s nether regions just might look like. (Resemblance to famous people not with standing… okay a little withstanding)  Honestly does anyone really truly want to hear about how their slightly overweight friend with poor manners, and who’s general view of women is despicable is getting more action then them? The answer is a resounding “FUCK NO IS HE SERIOUSLY HAVING SEX WITH SOMEONE RIGHT NOW? JESUS I THINK THAT I’M GOING TO GO LISTEN TO SOME ELLIOT SMITH AND COMPTIPLATE HOW MY SUCIDE NOTE SHOULD BE WORDED” So don’t tell me, past “oh hey I got laid last night.” I mean really isn’t that, out of respect for your partner where the conversation should end?
Number 2
People who leave “inspirational” status on facebook
Everyone reading this knows what I’m talking about in fact I’m going to go on to face book right now and grab a screen shot of one…
Here it is …
I really doubt that someone who’s having a rough time in life logs onto to facebook sees an annoying teenage girl’s status and thinks “Hey they’re right, life doesn’t get easier, I need to get stronger” they think “This upper middle class white girl who probably has never had anything bad happen to them past dropping their phone into a pool, should get hit by a bus” Hey that’s what the hypothetical hard on their luck guy or girl is thinking not me… okay maybe I’m thinking that a little bit, but I don’t want her to die from the bus… just not be able to walk for a while… to give her some actual perspective. I realize this problem is easily fixed buy simply blocking or unfriending someone on facebook but I’m a busy guy and I have things to do... like write the next entry on this blog

Speaking of which 
Number 1
People who judge other people simply because of their taste in something
Okay everyone does this including myself, which is why it’s at number one, hopefully I’ll realize the error of my ways and change., more likely though I’m just going to post a cynical remark about someone’s favorite movie or band on a message board. (I’m a bad person, I’m working on it) There isn’t much to say about this one simply because everyone already knows what I’m talking about. So if you leave this article with one notion it should be that people like what they like, and you should just let them like it, and also twilight sucks a big one. 