Saturday, November 15, 2014

Streaming Week 1

I've been playing around with the idea to stream for a while now. I miss making videos, the planning the editing, and the sense of accomplishment when you upload a new video to youtube is like no other. So I figured that streaming and uploading the clips to youtube would be almost sort of like making videos. I made an account TheLastOfTheGoodOnes on, and started by playing some Call of Duty Advanced Warfare. That was fun, although I didn't have a mic on, so no one could hear me. Later that day Jenny and I played COD: AW again and our friend's actually came out and watched the stream, it was a really neat experience and keeping up with the chat room was entertaining. Last night we tried to stream The Master Chief Collection, but matchmaking issues, along with just generally not being good at the game caused us to switch back to COD: AW. So what have I learned in the few days I've been streaming? Well that you have to be patient, you're not going to get a ton of people watching your stream right away (Also I'm glad for that because I can't imagine we're that interesting currently. I've talked to a few people about streaming other games and we'll see how it goes. As for my first week, I suppose it's sort of been a success. account:

Youtube account:

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